Selecting separate words with click+ctrl doesn't work in onlyoffice

I have a question, is there a command like click+ctrl in office to select words, letters or pieces of text from different parts of the document? because I couldn’t find it in onlyoffice and it would be very useful against that.

Hello @Yorsh007
I’ve checked MS2013 and LibreOffice, but I didn’t find the described behavior. Would you mind pointing us to the editor and described feature (documentation). If it’s possible, please record a videofile with demonstration. We would like to take a look at it.

Hi Alexandre, both microsoft office and libre office have always had this function available, which is to click + ctrl to select either words, characters, paragraphs, etc. that are not contiguous. I attach a screenshot.

Thank you for the videofile! Now I see it. We’re checking the situation

@Yorsh007 We have added your request to internal tracksystem (internal number - 12840). We are working on it already. I will update this thread when I have any news about this feature.

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Thanks Alexandre :slightly_smiling_face:

Any news with the CTRL issue ?

Still not working

Hello @veni

Unfortunately, there are no news on this request.