Saving in old MS Office formats (.doc and .xls)

This is a how-to question.

Good morning,

I work a lot with old MS Office files, .doc an .xls formats. When I save the files, onlyoffice force me to use .docx or .xlsx formats. Is it possible to save in the same old office formats?

OS version: Debian 11
App version: Desktop Editors versio
Downloaded from: installed from onlyoffice repository

Hello @doclight,

OnlyOffice Editors only support the newer file formats (.docx and .xlsx) and do not have the capability to save in the older formats (.doc and .xls). This means that when you save your files, they will be saved in the .docx or .xlsx format, regardless of their original format.

You can check the supported file formats for OnlyOffice Editors by visiting the following links:

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Thanks Russel

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You’re welcome! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We’ll do our best to assist you.