Saving in old MS Office formats (.doc and .xls) with onlyoffice document server


For package update you are generally prompted during the update whether to leave the old configs intact or install new configs.
But leaving old configs may result in some serious issues after the update, as new version may require, for example, new parameters in configs which you may not have in your old ones, so we strongly do not recommend to do it.

We are currently working on the assemblyFormatAsOrigin issue.

Hello, Could you please give us a status about the assemblyFormatAsOrigin issue or telle us where we could find this status?
Best regards

Yes, any news? When can we update and thus maintain compatibility?

Hello, the bug should be fixed on 8.1 version

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Fixed on 8.1: test is ok ! :smiley: Thanks !

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Yes, works now. Thanks.

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