Saving an unedited document

Question that I just noticed after building this into our application.

So in our scenario, a user will choose a prebuild document from a dropdown list and hit the generate document button. This will then open a new window with their document they chose, the document is then ready to print or edit or whatever the user wishes to do with it. However, we have some users that will generate this document and it will open in the new window and all they want to do is hit the save button, which in the our integration tells our software to put a line item in the document history grid for that particular case. This works perfectly is the user has edited the document, however, if they have not made any edits, then it does not allow them to hit the save button. I have ForceSave enabled so when a document is edited it will save a physical copy of the document right away to our document storage server.

So my question is, is there a way that we can set it so even if the user has not edited the document, make the document force save. Basically I want it to save the unedited document back to our storage server. Is will be saved with a unique name so there is no chance of overwriting any other documents, I just need it save even when not edited. Basically, open the document and hit the save button right away and it work?

Hello @chundley
We are discussing the described scenario. I will update this thread when we have something to share.

Dear @chundley
Unfortunately, there’s no way to achieve this scenario through ForceSave at the moment. We have discussed the situation and have decided to add this feature (add the possibility to save file without changes using ForceSave) to one of the next releases.
I will update this thread once we release it.

As a workaround solution, while we are working on this feature, probably you can implement external button with DownloadAs method (ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Methods). Perhaps it will match your needs until we release the mentioned feature.
Sorry for inconvenience.


Thanks, I look forward to the update having this ability.

In the meantime I am playing around with the PHP upload to see if I can get that to work.

Does the team have any idea when this feature may be available?

Hello @chundley
We are going to add mentioned feature (add the possibility to save file without changes using ForceSave) to v.8.1 or v.8.2. Unfortunately, it is difficult to provide ETA since work is still in progress.
However, I will update this thread once we release it.