Save PDF online

I noticed in earlier versions the new(ish) PDF editor does not allow saving in the online editor (only save a copy).

Is there a plan to implement saving in the same structure as other editors (sheets, presentations, etc)? I’m currently running 8.11

In the meantime, is there perhaps a way to suppress the save copy message and run my own JavaScript to capture the save event and then run my own logic by creating a copy of the file myself and saving it through my own integration?


Many thanks for any help / advice!

Hello @paulf

Saving PDF to storage will be implemented in 8.2.

I’m afraid not. Sorry for inconvenience.

Thanks Constantine!

I know you probably can’t give me an answer, but for my own roadmap, is there an estimate as to when 8.2 will be released?

Thanks again!

Approximately by the end of October of this year. Anyway, I will notify once new version is available.