Save function not working with Onedriver

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OS version: Fedora 40
App version: (flatpak)
Downloaded from: Fedora software manager
Additional information: There is a bug report on github for this same issue from over a year ago, confirmed by multiple people on multiple OS:
Github - OnlyOffice Bug #1436

I use Onedriver to sync MS OneDrive to my computer, similar to the way MS syncs OneDrive in File Explorer. I believe Onedriver syncs to the local system via a FUSE mount.

When I save a document from OnlyOffice into a directory created by Onedriver, I momentarily see the spinning graphics for saving the document. The save icon is then grayed out and cannot be clicked until I make further changes, indicating it was successfully saved. I can close the document without warning, which suggests that OnlyOffice thinks that the document is saved or doesn’t catch an error.

When I reopen the document with the same instance of OnlyOffice or any other app, the changes haven’t been saved. The timestamp on the file is also not updated, indicating that OnlyOffice never wrote anything to the file. I can repeat this error on my system. Performing the same actions in LibreOffice results in successfully saving changes.

If I use the “Save As” option and save it with a new name, a new file is successfully created with the changes. Subsequent changes to the new file are NOT saved.

Hello @Lonestarr,

Thank you for reporting the issue, we are currently looking into it. We will inform you about the results as soon as possible.

@Lonestarr, sorry, we already have this registered as a bug. Please see this:

The bug has not been fixed yet, I’m afraid.