Save button doesn't saved my document

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OS version: Arch Linux, kernel 6.1.12-arch1-1
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Downloaded from: Arch User Repository

Hello! I’m experiencing a serious problem with ONLYOFFICE. Yesterday I saved an important document (by clicking the save button), nothing unusual happened, so I turned off the computer and went to sleep. Today I verified that the document had not been saved. What can I do in order to recover the document? (The “autorecover” option is enabled, but a don’t see any suggestion to recover)

Hello @PauLuke

Autorecover feature allows to automatically recover documents in case the program closes unexpectedly. If that is your case then you will find your document in the Recent Files > Recover Files category on the main screen.

Could you please try to reproduce the issue with any other file? Just make some changes and hit Save button, after that reopen the file and check if the content was saved.