Run docs server without nextcloud

Not sure if this is a dumb question but I would like to run OnlyOffice on a synology with docker but I dont want to run something like nextcloud on top of it. Can this be done? I installed the document server but that alone does not do anything.



Hello Stephan,
In case you install ONLYOFFICE Docs, you install the Editor (you can learn more about it through this guide - ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - How It Works), there are no document management and storage systems included, so you’d have to integrate Document Server with some other document management systems (Nextcloud, ownCloud, Alfresco, etc.) or you can integrate it with your own application, which would serve as document storage and document management system.
You can also install Community Server which would serve as a document management and storage system and is a part of ONLYOFFICE Workspace solution. In that case you won’t have to integrate the Editor with other applications, it also can be run using Docker.

It seems like Community Server is the way to go. The document only shows how to install this ubuntu. I guess there is no documentation for a NAS like Synology.

Unfortunately, there is no separate guide for NAS, you can find all the available guides for different types of ONLYOFFICE Workspace installation and also installation requirements here: Installation Guides - Workspace - ONLYOFFICE