Roman numeral page numbers

Hello everyone

I just completed a decent-sized translation project (Spanish - English) using OnlyOffice Desktop editors and I’m impressed with the quality and speed of the application - congratulations, job well-done.

The only feature I could not find and really missed was the ability to have the Table of Contents section with roman numeral page numbers. I’ve searched the help documentation and forums with no luck and therefore I conclude - perhaps incorrectly - that this is not possible.

Therefore this posting, which might be a how-to-question or a feature request.

In case it matters, I am running OnlyOffice on Ubuntu 21.10. I installed this by updating the apt repository with the line

deb squeeze main

Thanks very much again for such a fine product!

Hello @Bonzini
We know about this situation and we are working on it (internal number - 48898). Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with exact timeframes of roman numeral page numbers support release at the moment.
Sorry for inconvenience.

Thanks Alexandre! Good to know that I wasn’t just missing something here.

Once again, many thanks for a great product.

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Dear @Bonzini
We have just released Document Server v8.1. This release contains a fix for the situation described in this thread.