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Document Server version: 7.5.1
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker, deb/rpm, exe)
Is it possible to make DocServer work in a subdirectory? My application is running on example(.)com, and I need OnlyOffice to function in a subdirectory, specifically example(.)com/docserver, for API/WOPI. When I attempted to proxy /docserver/ to OnlyOffice via Nginx, I encountered an issue: When the iframe with OnlyOffice tries to fetch its resources, it fetches them from example(.)com/[version]~oou/… instead of example(.)com/docserver/[version]~oou/. I even attempted to proxy /[version]~oou/, oo loaded but it led to a new set of problems, such as: “The file content corresponds to one of the following formats: pdf/djvu/xps/oxps, but the file has an inconsistent extension: docx.” This issue arises when I try to edit a docx file via the API.
Upd: Logs are empty btw, just monitoring stuff