Request for OAuth API or Authentication Solution for Third-Party Integration in Plugin

Hey, I am creating a plugin where I need to send a document to a third-party app. However, I am unable to access the document on another server because it requires cookies and some form of authentication. Do you provide OAuth APIs or any other method that would allow me to access the document on my plugin backend?

Hello @sajjad16

Are you developing a plugin for the editor, i.e. it is meant to be used when editing documents, or for DocSpace exactly?

If it is for DocSpace, please see all API methods here:

Hey thanks,

I am developing a plugin just for docSpace portal I dont want it to use in document.

Got it. Take a look at authorization APIs here:

Interaction with files you can find here:

Yeah, I already looked into these before. However, I want to implement the OAuth feature because I need to use onlyOffice APIs as part of my plugin development in a third-party app.

What version of DocSpace is currently used?