Request for explicit Save button

ONLYOFFICE Mobile: Documents
Action: Suggesting a feature
Device: Xiaomi Redmi 12C, really all others too
OS version: MIUI 14.0.3, this request is not OS-specific
App version: 8.0.1
Mode: every

At this moment there are three different ways to export the document thru upper-right menu (Send A Copy and Export and Download) but the usual Save button is absent. For me it is not convenient to confirm a ‘Do you wish’ dialogue upon closing the file, I request the add of Save button, preferably as convenient pictogram outside the menu list, possibly appeared/enabled only when the document changes were made.

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Thank you for your proposal, we will consider it in the future. I’ll inform you if there is any news on the issue.

As was discussed in Ipad application save files, there’s a need to save a file explicitly not only locally, but also in the cloud. It could be achieved through a Save button serving both ways: if the cloud mode is enabled, a accompanied checkbox may appear right in the menu, to indicate if the file is to be saved in the cloud. Separating a Cloud Save button from a Local Save button would increase the number of the ways of saving/exporting the file to 5, which is not necessarily a good idea.

The cloud/local switches may also be placed in the Settings, as a dubbing or the alternative.

A save button or an automatic save with a message could be very helpfull, yes ! If we have a look with another solution (G…e), you never loose your work, the sheet file just wait the connection back and save on the cloud.

I understand, we will work on it in the future, thank you for sharing


I have few moments and I’m in the train so I take the time to illustrate the issue mentioned before.

Please check the images bellow and let me know if it could help.

So I click save without knowning if I’m connected and here is the result :

Correcting that could help and onlyOffice will be a very great tool.

Please note that I do not have an error if I put my file in Icloud, OnlyOffice allow to save without an error and sync the file with the modification when the connection is back .


@Guiillt Hello,
So, do I understand your request correctly, that you would like the file not to be allowed to be saved until the connection is restored and you’d like there to be a message notifying about the loss of connection? Please clarify once again step-by-step how you see it

I do think, we don’t want to block the save file function.

One way to resolve this is to have the same behavior as Icloud :
I can save the file in Kdrive cloud even if I’m not connected.
And the sync is done when the connection back.

I’ll try to make you videos this afternoon if you want !

Let me a couple of hours (or days) to prepare a complete documentation.


Alright, I am looking forward to it, it would be helpful


I put here a video with the process that works with Icloud.
We do not have an error message when we save the file. I have checked the sync file on Icloud, it is correct !
We expect the same behavior with Kdrive.



Copy paste the url in chrome if it doesn’t work.

Hello @Guiillt
If you don’t mind, I will join this thread too.
To sum it up, do I understand it right that you need some indication that connection is lost while you are editing a file via the app on the connected cloud?

Actualy, I would like that OnlyOffice and kdrive have the same behaviour as the video with pages and icloud.
No temp cache files create if i lose connexion. Or like google drive.
I would like to continue working and saving even if I am disconnected.

Hello @Guiillt
We are checking the provided scenario. I will contact you as soon as possible.

Dear @Guiillt
We have checked the provided scenario and we have added a bug. We have started working on it.
Thank you for the valuable data!

That’s great !