I am trying to reproduce an example from the doc: Plugin examples - ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation
But when i select item 1 or 2 nothing happens. Do i miss something or there is a bug?
Here is my plugin for reproduction - Dropbox
i follow 插件示例 - ONLYOFFICE Api 文档 — Plugin examples - ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation
copy all code and the contextmenu is showing.
but when i clicked the onClickItem2, the function not called. this is my code:
(function(window, undefined){
window.Asc.plugin.init = function()
window.Asc.plugin.button = function(id)
this.executeCommand("close", "");
window.Asc.plugin.event_onContextMenuShow = function(options) {
switch (options.type)
case "Target":
this.executeMethod("AddContextMenuItem", [{
guid : this.guid,
items : [
id : "onClickItem1",
text : { en : "Item 1", de : "Menü 1" },
items : [
id : "onClickItem1Sub1",
text : { en : "Subitem 1", de : "Untermenü 1" },
disabled : true
id : "onClickItem1Sub2",
text : { en : "Subitem 2", de : "Untermenü 2" },
separator: true
id : "onClickItem2",
text : { en : "Item 2", de : "Menü 2" }
case "Selection":
this.executeMethod("AddContextMenuItem", [{
guid : this.guid,
items : [
id : "onClickItem3",
text : { en : "Item 3", de : "Menü 3" }
case 'Image':
case 'Shape':
this.executeMethod("AddContextMenuItem", [{
guid : this.guid,
items : [
id : "onClickItem4",
text : { en : "Item 4", de : "Menü 4" }
window.Asc.plugin.attachContextMenuClickEvent("onClickItem1Sub1", function(){
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("InputText", ["clicked: onClickItem1Sub1"]);
window.Asc.plugin.attachContextMenuClickEvent("onClickItem1Sub2", function(){
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("InputText", ["clicked: onClickItem1Sub2"]);
window.Asc.plugin.attachContextMenuClickEvent("onClickItem2", function(){
//not woring
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("InputText", ["clicked: onClickItem2"]);
window.Asc.plugin.attachContextMenuClickEvent("onClickItem3", function(){
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod("InputText", ["clicked: onClickItem3"]);
window.Asc.plugin.attachContextMenuClickEvent("onClickItem4", function(){
console.log("clicked: onClickItem4");
window.Asc.plugin.event_onTargetPositionChanged = function()
console.log("event: onTargetPositionChanged");
})(window, undefined);
Thank you for the reports, we are analyzing the issue.
I met the same problem like langziyang. Could you please provide some way to fix it
Hello @ZangHoang,
We are analyzing the issue.
We have found a bug in the described scenario. Thank you all for valuable data!
We have started working on it.