Report on the error in the image caption in the document

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Document Server version:
Docker - Doc

Mac OS 14.4.1

Browser version:
Microsoft Edge 120.0.2210.133

The first bug
I found that the inserted image titles cannot automatically increment the numbering. In Word, the image title numbering can be automatically generated as - 1 :arrow_right: - 2, but in ONLYOFFICE, it is always - 1.

Second Bug
When inserting a caption for an image, the number “Figure 1.1” should be a second-level heading (outline level 2). However, when inserting a caption for an image in ONLYOFFICE, you need to select Heading 3 in order for it to appear as 1.1.

But in Microsoft Word, selecting Heading 2 can display 1.1.

The third bug
When there are too many words in the document, deleting a large amount of text or pasting a large amount of text (about five to six hundred characters) will cause the document to lag for a long time.


The fourth bug
When character a and character b are editing content, when character a modifies the style of the title and updates it, character b’s screen will briefly turn completely white.

The fifth bug
When deleting part of the content or pasting content in the document, you will see that the navigation jumps to other places randomly.

Hello @touma
For the future requests, please create a separate topic for the each request. It’s necessary to avoid confusion with requests within the same thread.

The first bug
I found that the inserted image titles cannot automatically increment the numbering. In Word, the image title numbering can be automatically generated as - 1 :arrow_right: - 2, but in ONLYOFFICE, it is always - 1.

Please provide us with test file and detailed description (you can record a video file). Do I understand it right that you are pasting an image into Multilevel Headings?

When inserting a caption for an image, the number “Figure 1.1” should be a second-level heading (outline level 2). However, when inserting a caption for an image in ONLYOFFICE, you need to select Heading 3 in order for it to appear as 1.1.

How exactly have you set Headings for this test? If you can provide us with a test file it will be appreciated.

The third bug
When there are too many words in the document, deleting a large amount of text or pasting a large amount of text (about five to six hundred characters) will cause the document to lag for a long time.

This issue could be related to the file itself. If it’s possible, please record a video file, while you are reproducing the situation and provide us with a test file itself as well. We will check it out.

The fourth bug
When character a and character b are editing content, when character a modifies the style of the title and updates it, character b’s screen will briefly turn completely white.

Please reproduce the situation and record a video file. I’ve tried to reproduce it, but without success.

The fifth bug
When deleting part of the content or pasting content in the document, you will see that the navigation jumps to other places randomly.

I’ve tried to reproduce it with large docx file, but without success. Could you please provide us with a test file and record your test as well?

Hi @Alexandre

I have provided a process video and file link regarding these two errors.
File link:
Process video:


At this time, I accessed the same document through two web pages using the same account. Please pay attention to the second half of the video. When I modified the title style in the left window, the content of the document disappeared and the page turned white in the right window.


In the video, I tried to select all the content of a chapter for deletion, and the browser entered a long period of unresponsiveness. Eventually, it displayed that the connection has been restored and the content was successfully deleted.

When I insert a title, the navigation jumps and places the newly inserted title on the first line of the navigation list. This jumping is very uncomfortable and makes it easy for me to lose the relationship between the content.

You can use this article to test each of the above bugs.

Dear @touma
Thank you for the detailed descriptions and the provided file!
We are checking the situation.

The fifth bug
When deleting part of the content or pasting content in the document, you will see that the navigation jumps to other places randomly.

We have reproduced this scenario and we have added a bug to internal tracksystem. Thank you for valuable data! We have started working on it.
Update: The third bug has been reproduced as well. We have added a bug and have started working on it.
Another update: we have checked the fourth scenario and discovered a bug. Thank you for valuable data!
The first scenario has been reproduced as well.
We have added a bug on the second scenario too.