Question : Copy-pasting table from doc to presentation doesn't keep text formating


I have a table in a document. Inside the table, pieces of the text are bold, others are not.
When pasting the table in a presentation, this property is kept (or not) randomly:
(in this example, once pasted, all the text is bold).

Other example:

I won’t provide file as it can be reproduce simply by creating a document with a table containing both bold and not bold text.

Hello @arcqus
We are checking the described scenario. I will update this thread as soon as possible.

Hello @arcqus
We have added your suggestion to internal tracksystem, we have started working on it.
We will contact you once we have something to share.

Hi @Alexandre
Thanks for your answer.
I’m glad that my “suggestion” ( :thinking: bug ? :slight_smile: ) is registered !

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