Publishing Only Office Workspace behind IIS

I have multiple servers published in HTTPS behing a IIS reverse proxy.
I want to do the same for Only Office workspace.
When I do, I can access the workspace from the exterior, but I cannot edit documents or use the OnlyOffice application with the workspace.
Would anyone know how to make this work properly please?
Community Server/Control Panel version:
Type of installation of Workspace: (docker)


We are checking the situation.
When there any information comes up I will let you know.

Unfortunately, we do not have ready-to-go examples of such configuration.

With current setup, if I’m correct, Community Server runs properly, however, when you are trying to open documents for editing it cannot reach Document Server. You should start with trying to find out why it cannot be reached.

Here’s the thing,
If instead of IIS I use nginx proxy manager, that configure the same way, I can edit documents and everything about OnlyOffice Workspace works from the exterior, but for some reason, my Outlook client on PC can’t reach my Exchange server if I do that. Outlook mobile App and OWA works fine though.

Hi all,
I’m in the same situation of @POLETECHNOLOGY but I have an NGINX proxy. I’ve seen plenty of quite ready configurations here Using ONLYOFFICE Docs behind the proxy but I think that for the whole Workspace extra efforts has to be done because despite I can access the portal when requesting a document a blank page appears; reading the source code of that page i can read:

ASC.Files.Constants.URL_WCFSERVICE = "/Products/Files/Services/WCFService/service.svc/";ASC.Files.Constants.DocsAPIundefined = "Il Document Service non è disponibile. Si prega di contattare l'assistenza";
ASC.Files.Constants.URL_MAIL_ACCOUNTS = "";
ASC.Files.Editor.docServiceParams = {"canGetUsers":true,"defaultType":"desktop","displayName":null,"docKeyForTrack":"mbTH2cM8PfQv1bxpqbEuUU1pjhp9vLdOCjnJejX_QZI_","editByUrl":false,"email":null,"fileId":"6","fileVersion":1,"linkToEdit":null,"openinigDate":"02\/03\/2023 09:59:37","pageTitlePostfix":" - AnoniCloud®","serverErrorMessage":"","shareLinkParam":"","tabId":"0a8e90e8-61a7-43c2-8dd0-5e372658e2e8","thirdPartyApp":false};

Note that is the address of qemu instance running OnlyOffice.

Any hint or help is welcome here.

Hello @fpiraneo @POLETECHNOLOGY

As I said earlier we do not have such ready-to-use configuration.
Possibly you can start off by checking the ports required to be open for the proper work of Community Server: