Proposal for Automatic Calculation of Fitted Functions in Spreadsheet Scatterplots

Hello! I suggest adding an option to automatically calculate the fitted function, such as y = ax + b, in the scatterplot of a spreadsheet, similar to Excel.

Hey @stefanstavrianos :handshake:

Thank you for sharing your idea about adding new functionality. :slightly_smiling_face:
However, I would like to ask for clarification as I didn’t fully grasp how it should work.

  • Could you provide a link to the implementation in the Excel editor?

This would help me better understand the concept you’re referring to.

Hello @Nikolas :wave:,

I apologize for the delay in responding. Thank you for your interest in the idea I shared.

To provide a clearer understanding, I am sharing a video that demonstrates the functionality in a way similar to what might be found in the Excel editor. Please note that this is not my video, but it effectively illustrates the concept in question.

Hey @stefanstavrianos
I’ll pass your suggestion along to our team! :slight_smile:

If there are any clarifications or updates regarding your feature request, I’ll update the topic.

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@stefanstavrianos :wave:
So, we have progress on your request, and in version 8.1.0 of the editor, support for trend lines will be implemented.

However, for now, only the feature support will be implemented, without customization options added yet.

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Hi @Nikolas

Thank you very much for the update on the implementation of trend lines in version 8.1.0 of the editor. I appreciate your efforts in advancing this feature. While I note the current absence of customization options, the inclusion of basic trend line support is a significant step forward. I look forward to future enhancements that may allow for further customization. Thank you once again for your commitment to improving the editor’s capabilities.

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Hi @stefanstavrianos, :wave:

I wanted to inform you that version 8.1.0 of OO Desktop Editors will be released within the next couple of days.

In version 8.1.0, support for trend lines when opening files that contain them has been added.

However, the ability to enable or disable these trend lines through the editor’s interface is not yet available.
I’ll keep you updated on the implementation of this feature: the ability to enable/disable chart elements.

For more details and the full list of new features in version 8.1.0, please refer to the changelog: Version 8.1.0 Changelog.

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Dear @Nikolas,

Thank you for your update regarding the upcoming release of version 8.1.0 of OO Desktop Editors. I appreciate the information about the added support for trend lines when opening files containing them.

I understand that the capability to enable or disable these trend lines through the editor’s interface is not yet available. I look forward to hearing more about the implementation of this feature in future updates.

I will review the detailed list of new features in version 8.1.0 in the provided changelog.

Thank you once again for keeping me informed.

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