Problem with selecting cells


I am using ONLYOFFICE for working with documents in Nextcloud. I have issue that when I zoom out (its absolutely mandatory to work zoomed out at around 60%) and I try to select a certain sell it aways selects the wrong cell, adjacent one. This is giving me quite a lot of issues lately.

Is there a solution/fix for this issue?

Thanks in advance

Hello @jankop

I assume you are using Chrome, is that correct? Also, what is the version of Document Server?

Yes, I use Google Chrome. Server version is

Is this common issue on Chrome, or should I use different browser every time.

Thanks. This issue appeared after most recent update of Google Chrome to version 128, we are aware of that. It is non-standard problem that appears only in Chrome with custom zoom value of the page, but it will be fixed in next major version 8.2.

Thanks for quick reply. I appreciate.

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