S.O.: Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Onlyoffice Docker Version:
I have migrated my Onlyoffice installation from .deb to Docker and now I am no longer able to set a save path for Backups on an external NFS Volume.
If I mount the NFS Volume on the Linux Host, it will not be accessible by Onlyoffice running inside a Container.
I tried to enter the Onlyoffice Container and mount the Volume from there, but as the Container is on a different LAN class I can’t reach the NAS where the NFS Volume is.
The solution would be to mount the NFS Volume on the host and start the Onlyoffice Container with the additional parameter for Docker volumes.
Unfortunately I don’t know how to do it as I don’t know exactly the Docker commands that my Linux host executes every time the Operating System starts.
The current mount path of the NFS Volume is as follows:
Hi Alexandre,
after several attempts I managed to mount the nfs volume inside the communityserver container and now I am able to perform the backup.
Unfortunately, despite having put the mount string inside the /etc/fstab file, the volume is not automatically remounted every time the Linux VM reboots.
I’ve tried a number of ways via scripts that run automatically on startup, but to no avail.
Every time I reboot the Linux VM, I have to enter the communityserver container and run the mount command manually.
If I forget to do this, the automatic backup will not take place.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Thank you.
We have checked provided scenario, this is known situation (we are working on it already, internal number - 48532). As a workaround solution, you can ty to mount NFS as it describes here: Problem with autosave on NFS volume