Printing from different cassettes

we would like to print a multi-page document from different paper cassettes. For example, page 1 from paper cassette 1 and all subsequent pages from paper cassette 2. How does this work?
Many thanks for the help.

Best regards

Desktop Editor

Hi, @Joern :wave:

What operating system are you using?

Hello Nikolas,
we use Windows and the
Desktop Editor 8.0.0

Hey @Joern
Selecting a specific printer cassette can only be done in the settings of the printer itself.
Choosing multiple cassettes for one printing session is not possible. (I haven’t encountered such a feature before).

Could you please specify in which editors you have seen similar functionality?

Microsoft Word, Chroma CRM, etc.

This function is common and nothing special!

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Hey @Joern :handshake:

We’ve noted your suggestion to add the ability to specify different paper sources for the first/other pages.

Unfortunately, we don’t have specific timelines for implementing this suggestion.