Presentation Editor rotation

I noticed since 8.0.0, mobile app for presentation file. If at portrait mode, the id_panel_thumbnails goes to the bottom and with landscape mode, the id_panel_thumbnails goes to the left. This is great !

But my built community edition always put the id_panel_thumbnailsto the left.
Is there an interface config for that ?
I was using 7.5.1 document-server with example (type=mobile). Is documents-app-android has it’s own design that leverage Fragment for the rotation so that the id_panel_thumbnails smoothly switch between bottm and left ?

Hello @shooding
We are checking the described scenario. I will come back as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to achieve the same behavior on mobile editor. The mobile app has its own design and logic of work. However, we are working on it already. I will update this thread once we release the same function for mobile editor as for mobile app.
Sorry for inconvenience.

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