Presentation crashed when pasting content from the word processor

here is a quite bothering issue that made me loose 1/2h of work…
Content I want to past into the presentation file:

Word processor file (source):

Presentation file (target):

Error when I copy from the word processor to the presentation file:

Thanks for the help.

It seems that the issue comes from the source (maybe the table), as I tryed to copy/paste the same content in a blank docx file, the word processor crashed.

Hi @arcqus,

OnlyOffice is struggling with the paste operation due to the contents of what you are copying.
What you have is a table cell containing multiple tables, text boxes, and floating images distributed over and around the tables.

I got this far in a few minutes using the documents you supplied.

Which is pretty close to your target I believe.
I just started with a blank presentation page, and then copied from the document to the presentation each of the items, a piece at a time.

First the heading and the cake slice picture.
Then the Ingredients sub-heading.
Then the bottom 3 rows of the table, rows 3, 6, & 5.
Then I inserted a row above and typed in Persons, Butter, etc.
Then I copied and pasted all the pictures.

As each item was pasted into the presentation, they had to be positioned on the page, so for the ingredients table, I left a gap for the pictures above, and then positioned the table and images so they all aligned as illustrated.

The key here is that doing it all in one go, does not appear to work, so piece-meal is the key.
I think it was the table and images of the ingredients was the key problematic issue. The Vocabulary table copied in one go without any issue, as with the bottom rows of the ingredients.

A bit of jostling of the elements should get it to fit the slide page.

I hope that helps.

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Actually, I’m informing of the issue so that it is fixed.
Otherwise I’m at ease to get what I want, thanks :slight_smile:

Hello @arcqus
If you don’t mind, I will join this thread.
I’ve tried to copy\paste the data as you described in the original scenario into the new slide (Add slide) in your pptx file and I faced an issue. Please confirm that this is your usage scenario, so we can start our checks.

Hi @Alexandre
No I don’t mind, actually my purpose was to report a bug to OO staff members :-).
Yes it is my use-case.
Thanks for your help.

Thank you, we are checking the situation.
Update: we are going to fix described situation in the next version of Desktop editors.
Thank you for valuable data!

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