Pdf editor problem docs 8.0 community edition

hallo everyone

The community edition 8.0 pdf editor does not go into edit mode to fill the form but always only in view mode.
this is the configuration used

    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.docEditor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor("placeholder",{
            "document": {
                "fileType": "pdf",
                "key": "8c655ced-9896-4612-8638-140b0930f24b",
                "permissions": {
					"fillForms": true,
					"edit": false                      
                "title": "CARDIF_CQP.pdf",
                "url": "http://editor.documentale.online/OF/OFInterop/GetFile?EditRequestId=20166",
            "documentType": "pdf",
            "editorConfig": {
                "callbackUrl": "http://editor.documentale.online:8040/OF/OF/edit-end",
                "mode": "edit"
            "height": "100%",
            "width": "100%"

This is the result

Document Server version:8.0 PDF editor
Type of installation of the Document Server (windows)
Browser version:Chrome

using the PDF of the online example the interface part for filling out the forms appears with a PDF with dynamic fields it does not appear

Hello @mbrmrc

using the PDF of the online example the interface part for filling out the forms appears with a PDF with dynamic fields it does not appear

I’m not sure that I understood it correctly. Do I understand it right that you are testing your own integration and integrated example (https://domain_name/welcome) in this scenario? Does the issue reproduce in the integrated example?
As for your editor initialization config file, please try to change “edit”: false to ‘true’ in the permissions section just for a test.