PDF Date Field bug

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OS version: Windows 8.1
App version: 7.5.1
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website

I created a dummy PDF form using a date field. When I save as PDF, the date field does not display the selected date, but the format code instead of the date as the result.

Date & Time Field properties selected:
Key = Form7, Placeholder=13 December 2023, Tag=“”, Tip=“”, Default value =“”, Display the date like this=13 December 2023, Language=English (Australia)

Result using Foxit Reader the result from the date picker displays “DD MMMM YYYY”. Not the selected date. Have tried other Mask combinations, and each gives a different result. Some with a random number for the date followed by MM.YYYY. Example 20.MM.YYYY for 13.12.2023.

It seems the issue here is that you haven’t selected a date in the field settings.

I will include a video for reference.

I might not have fully understood the issue.

Could you please provide the files where the problem is being reproduced? (pdf and docx)

System will not let me upload the test document (.docxf) because I’m a new user.

I do not want a default value in the PDF when a user opens the PDF form, just the placeholder.

Even when I enter a default date, the outputted PDF form date field does not show the date, but the format mask when I select a date using the PDF’s calendar control.

see new screenshot.

I want this date field to be set by the PDF form user. I wanted the date field to be formatted using the specified mask when the user enters a date either using the PDF calendar control, or by manually entering a date in the date field.

The exported PDF file when opened does not accept a date into the date field. It instead displays the date mask in the date field. This is the problem. The PDF form should display the selected date in the PDF form’s date field.

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I understand the issue. We will attempt to reproduce it.:ok_hand:
Since you are new, you currently don’t have the ability to upload files. In the near future, we will try to modify the methods for obtaining Trust Level 1 - Basic status.

  • Could we kindly ask you to upload the file to an external storage and provide a link?