Password protection from Spreadsheet Microsoft Office doesn't work

Hello and congratulations for the excellent job.

A little problem I have found using OnlyOffice Spreadsheet Desktop Application, when opening a file created from Microsoft Office that its sheets (or the workbook) has been protected with a password. In Microsoft Office any change/edition is disabled if you don’t unprotect it manually, but opening the same file in OnlyOffice any change/edition is possible without knowing and entering the password.

Is there any reason for this behaviour?

Best regards.

Hello @cyberjgun
Could you please provide us with example of mentioned file. We will check it out.

Hello Alexandre.

In this link you have my example file created in Microsoft Office Excel in order to make you understand the problems that I have found:

Next to following explanations I include official Microsoft information for a better understanding of features that don’t work:

  1. Protect an Excel file with a password works propertly. The example file can be opened entering the password “onlyoffice”. I mean this feature:
    Protect an Excel file

  2. Protect a workbook doesn’t work in OnlyOffice. I mean this feature:
    Protect a workbook

Creating the example file, in Microsoft Office I have protected the workbook structure with the password “onlyoffice”, so in Microsoft Office you cannot add or remove sheets unless you unprotect the workbook structure with the password “onlyoffice”. However, opening this file with OnlyOffice is possible to add or remove sheets to the workbook without needing to enter the password “onlyoffice”

  1. Protect a worksheet doesn’t work in OnlyOffice. I mean this feature:
    Protect a worksheet

Creating the example file, in Microsoft Office I have included 2 sheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2. For both sheets, the format of red celds were set up to “Locked” and for green celds weren’t. Sheet1 has password protection active and Sheet2 hasn’t. If you open the example file in Microsoft Office, for Sheet1 you can modify the content of any green celd but not in the case of red celds (unless you unprotect the sheet with the password “onlyoffice”). For Sheet2 you can modify the content of any celd because the sheet protection is not active. The mistake is that if you open the file in OnlyOffice you can modify the content of any red celd in Sheet1, and this is not the desired behavior.

I hope I have explained problems properly. If you have any doubt please make me any question.

Best regards.

Hello @cyberjgun
Thank you for provided file and detailed description.
The mentioned issues will be fixed in v.7.0 (internal bug number - 40375).

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Thanks a lot Alexandre.
