OX Drive Connector

In addition to the cloud connectors for nextcloud and opencloud, a connector for OX Drive would be desirable. OX Drive is part of open-Xchange and is also open source.

Hello @binghamfluid
Do you mean this? OX Drive | Open-Xchange
For what product do you suggest this integration? Desktop editors\Docspace?

Yes that is it and i think it shell be for the Desktop editors\Docspace.

The use case is that all data is currently stored on OX Drive and can also be stored locally on the laptop via OX Drive synchronization.

The idea is now that ONLYOFFICE in online mode directly accesses the data in the OX Drive cloud via the cloud connection function within ONLYOFFICE analogous to NextCloud.

If you are offline, e.g. on an airplane, you use the local copies provided by OX Drive and when you are back online, OX Drive synchronizes them again. All synchronization problems are handled by OX Drive.

If you want to work on a file stored on OX Drive at the same time, you would probably have to upload it manually to Docspace beforehand. Of course, it would be nice if ONLYOFFICE could take care of this. But for now, it is only relevant that you can access OX Drive directly from ONLYOFFICE.

Understood, we need some time to take a closer look at it. I will contact you as soon as possible.

Dear @binghamfluid
I’m not familiar with OX Drive at the moment, however, it seems it supports WebDAV protocol. Is it possible to use this protocol to achieve this scenario for DocSpace?

Dear Alexandre,

WebDav is possible but it is not working. Is WebDav avaible in docspace?
We using the ONLYOFFICE Docspace Start-Up Version.

I’ve tryed do connect using Windows 10 onboard webdav and Open-Xchange to ONLYOFFICE Docspace using https://mycloud.onlyoffice.com/webdav

mycloud had i replaced with my correct company name.

My idea is to use OX-Drive / Open-Xchange like the software in you marketing discription:
Real-time collaboration within your favorite cloud
Connect ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors to the cloud platform of your choice: ONLYOFFICE, Moodle, Nextcloud, ownCloud, Seafile, Liferay, or kDrive to collaborate on documents with your team – co-edit in real time, review, comment and interact using chat.

Thank you for your quick reply, we are checking the situation.

Dear @binghamfluid
Please try to specify OX Drive on the side of the DocSpace on the step of the Room creation:

You can choose WebDAV protocol there

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Thx Alexandre,

it is working with OX Drive / Open-Xchange out of the Box :heart_eyes:

The function was somewhat hidden and I couldn’t find it in the documentation either. But now it works. Thanks for your support.

It is only possible to connect the Public room to a third-party storage? I can’t the see this option on the other Rooms.

Hello @binghamfluid
We are glad that the situation has been resolved. Yes, it’s possible for Public Rooms only.
As for the Desktop Editor, we are reviewing the situation, I will contact you once we have something to share

Hi Alexandre,

We also use WebDav for the desktop editor. The operating system provides the WebDav connection and the desktop editor uses the local file mode. We lose the collaboration feature, but it works.
The only problem is when two people work on a file at the same time and use the local file mode. Then there are synchronization problems. This is the point which works better via MS OneDrive because the synchronization seems to work differently here than via webdav.

As far as I understand, the main goal for desktop editor integration with OX Drive is collaboration feature, am I right?

Yes, that right. That will be the perfect replacment for MS OneDrive.

Using the dektop editor with collaboration feature and OX Drive.

Understood, we need some time to check it out. I will contact you once we have something to share.

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Dear @binghamfluid
We have added your request (desktop editor integration with OX Drive with collaboration feature) to internal tracksystem. We have started working on it. I will update this thread once we have something to share.
Thank you for your idea!

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