Can You add this suggestion to OO Editors. If it’s not possible to add this suggestion to all OO Editors, then add this to those OO Editors on which can be added.
I’m suggesting this feature because if I have duplicate words/sentences in the text in OO Editors, I have to copy that text from OO Editors to Notepad++(text editor that I’m using) and remove duplicates in Notepad++(because N++ has a feature to remove duplicates) and then copy back that text to OO Editors.
Thank you for sharing, we are currently analysing your suggestion
@nicesto We have added your suggestion to our bug tracking system, thank you for sharing!
Maybe this feature won’t be needed, after all. Why? In Notepad++ “remove duplicate” feature is only used when duplicate words/sentences are in different lines, but not in the same lines. Second, If we want to remove duplicate lines, we can highlight the word/sentence and press “Shift” key on keyboard to highlight other duplicates in the text.
You can a abandon this feature.
@nicesto The suggestion has been registered already, we will review it in the future and consider the relevance of its introduction in future versions. Thank you for sharing your ideas on it