Open file from in its own tab?

In My Documents when I click to edit, the editor will open in a new tab.

Is there a setting to make the editor stay and reuse the same tab?

Win10 - Firefox -

hey @TomVolm :hugs:
Unfortunately, such a feature is not available.

We will, however, take your suggestion into consideration. If it’s okay with you, could you explain why you think adding this would be a good idea?

Your input, including any examples of how you would use it, is appreciated!

Thanks for answer.

I just introduced how to use Onlyoffice to some coworkers, and they soon confused themselves by opening several identical Onlyoffice file tabs. Your system happily allows this, are synchronizing those tabs and are just showing that an unexpected amount of duplicate accounts are logged in.

It is very easy to click on the Onlyoffice logo from an open file, to open the main window when it is needed. But this then again opens the main window in a new tab, so also that is duplicated!

For me a setting to make it possible to force reuse of the tab would make it less confusing…

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We have registered your suggestion to allow opening the document in the same tab! :handshake: