Onlyoffice Workspace (Documents) integrated with Nextcloud

sorry to all! My mistake, I overlooked that I have to specify https://…/remote.php/webdav!!!
But maybe it helps others to do better.

Onlyoffice Workspace is running in test mode and the connection with “Doc Home Server” works (version, Perfect!
What does not work (I have not managed) the connection from Onlyoffice Workspace document and Nextcloud.

I go links on “Connect” I see the Nextcloud icon then comes but only the connection WebDAV!?

Connecting ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors to Nextcloud under the Point → Connecting ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors to Nextcloud (at the bottom) - does not work that way with me!

Community Server/Control Panel version: Version
Type of installation of Workspace (deb/rpm)
OS: Linux Debian 11
Browser version: Firefox 115.03

Hello @judie07

As I understand you have found the solution. Good job!