OnlyOffice WebDav is Very Slow

I want to: Ask a how-to question
OS version: Fedora 39
App version: 7.5.1
Downloaded from: Flathub

Hello, thank you for so good product!
Yesterday I start to use WebDav connection with Nextcloud
It is regular connection via Gnome Online Account tool - nothing special. All works very fast, 20mb files opens in 5-8 seconds with LibreOffice
But when I start to use OnlyOffice it takes about 2-3 mins. I preferred OnlyOffice much better for perfect compatibility
What can be a problem ? Thank you

Hello @Kovinsky

Please let us know version of your Nextcloud portal and how do you connect your WebDav storage to the portal. Also, I’d ask you to provide video demonstration of the issue with long delay of opening of a file from the connected storage.

Hello, we are using 22.2.7
I am using default gnome connection tool - Synchronizing with the GNOME desktop — Nextcloud latest User Manual latest documentation
Thank you

Thank you. As far as I know, last supported version of the connector app for Nextcloud 22 is 7.4.8. Unfortunately, this connector app is outdated and no longer supported as well as this version of Nextcloud.

With that said, I’d recommend you to update your Nextcloud and connect apps to their respective actual version and check the situation again.