- Do you want to: Ask a how-to question
- Document Server version:
- OS: Docker (dietpi os)
- Browser: Safari
- Nextcloud version: 26.0.1
- Nextcloud is running on TrueNAS Scale 22.12.2
- Nextcloud is running on my TrueNAS Scale server.
- ONLYOFFICE Documentserver is installed on my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B using Docker.
- Port 443 is opened in Docker and on my Router
- Certificate verification is disabled in Nextcloud
- I can access Nextcloud using my Domain through a Cloudflare Tunnel.
- I can access ONLYOFFICE using my public IP address
- I can access Nextcloud from my ONLYOFFICE instance using wget.
Config files:
I have not modified any ONLYOFFICE config files. I also haven‘t added anything related to ONLYOFFICE to my Nextcloud config.php file.
The Problem:
I get the following error when trying to save the ONLYOFFICE server settings in Nextcloud:
Error when trying to connect (Error occurred in the document service: Error while downloading the document file to be converted.) (version
ONLYOFFICE Documentserver logs (from Docker; I started the container and clicked the save button in Nextcloud three times):
chmod: cannot access '/usr/share/ca-certificates/ds/*.pem': No such file or directory
* Starting PostgreSQL 14 database server
[ OK ]
* Starting RabbitMQ Messaging Server rabbitmq-server
[ OK ]
* Reloading nginx configuration nginx
[ OK ]
Starting supervisor: supervisord.
cron: unrecognized service
* Starting nginx nginx
[ OK ]
Generating AllFonts.js, please wait...Done
Generating presentation themes, please wait...Done
Generating js caches, please wait...Done
ds:docservice: stopped
ds:docservice: started
ds:converter: stopped
ds:converter: started
* Reloading nginx configuration nginx
[ OK ]
==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/converter/err.log <==
==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/converter/out.log <==
at Request.onRequestResponse (/snapshot/server/build/server/Common/node_modules/request/request.js:1059:10)
at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:400:28)
at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient (_http_client.js:647:27)
at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:127:17)
at TLSSocket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:515:22)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:400:28)
at addChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:293:12)
at readableAddChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:267:9)
at TLSSocket.Readable.push (internal/streams/readable.js:206:10)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23)
==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/docservice/err.log <==
==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/docservice/out.log <==
[2023-05-11T12:22:19.966] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server listening on port 8000 in production-linux mode. Version: 7.3.3. Build: 49
[2023-05-11T12:24:40.639] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - start shutdown:%b true
[2023-05-11T12:24:40.642] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - active connections: 0
[2023-05-11T12:24:40.645] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - end shutdown
[2023-05-11T12:43:54.268] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server starting...
[2023-05-11T12:43:54.281] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Failed to subscribe to plugin folder updates. When changing the list of plugins, you must restart the server. https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/fs.html#fs_availability
[2023-05-11T12:43:54.566] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server listening on port 8000 in production-linux mode. Version: 7.3.3. Build: 49
[2023-05-11T12:45:48.689] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server starting...
[2023-05-11T12:45:48.699] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Failed to subscribe to plugin folder updates. When changing the list of plugins, you must restart the server. https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/fs.html#fs_availability
[2023-05-11T12:45:48.975] [WARN] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - Express server listening on port 8000 in production-linux mode. Version: 7.3.3. Build: 49
==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver-example/out.log <==
==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/metrics/err.log <==
==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/metrics/out.log <==
'statsd.packets_received': 0,
'statsd.metrics_received': 0
sets: {},
pctThreshold: [ 90 ]
11 May 12:20:18 - [647] reading config file: ./config/config.js
11 May 12:20:18 - server is up INFO
11 May 12:43:50 - [647] reading config file: ./config/config.js
11 May 12:43:50 - server is up INFO
==> /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/nginx.error.log <==
What I‘ve tried:
I have checked if the token matches multiple times. I have tried a long token (about 64 characters) and a short one (seven characters), one with only numbers and one with numbers and letters. ONLYOFFICE and Nextcloud work if I remove the token.
Adding the following to config.php (Nextcloud):
'onlyoffice' =>
array (
'verify_peer_off' => true,
'jwt_secret' => '<your_key>',
'jwt_header' => 'AuthorizationJwt',
Turning SSL on and off
Changing Authorization to AuthorizationJwt in inbox and outbox in local.json
Reinstalling ONLYOFFICE Documentserver
Reinstalling the ONLYOFFICE App for Nextcloud
Setting internal addresses in the Nextcloud settings for my Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE servers
I‘ve also tried combining different things from the list above.
Sometimes I got the following error message in the Docker logs of the ONLYOFFICE container (I‘m not sure what combination of settings caused this):
[2023-05-11T08:36:22.136] [ERROR] [localhost] [conv_check_537086732_docx] [userId] nodeJS - error downloadFile:url=https://<mydomain>/apps/onlyoffice/empty?doc=<charactersandnumbers>.<charactersandnumbers>.<charactersandnumbers>;attempt=3;code:undefined;connect:undefined Error: Error response: statusCode:403; headers:{"date":"Thu, 11 May 2023 08:36:21 GMT","content-type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","content-length":"27","connection":"keep-alive","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate","content-security-policy":"default-src 'none';base-uri 'none';manifest-src 'self';frame-ancestors 'none'","expires":"Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT","feature-policy":"autoplay 'none';camera 'none';fullscreen 'none';geolocation 'none';microphone 'none';payment 'none'","pragma":"no-cache","referrer-policy":"no-referrer","set-cookie":["<charactersandnumbers>=<charactersandnumbers>; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax","oc_sessionPassphrase=<charactersandnumbers>; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax","<charactersandnumbers>=<charactersandnumbers>; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax","<charactersandnumbers>=<charactersandnumbers>; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax","__Host-nc_sameSiteCookielax=true; path=/; httponly;secure; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2100 23:59:59 GMT; SameSite=lax","__Host-nc_sameSiteCookiestrict=true; path=/; httponly;secure; expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2100 23:59:59 GMT; SameSite=strict","<charactersandnumbers>=<charactersandnumbers>; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax"],"x-content-type-options":"nosniff","x-frame-options":"SAMEORIGIN","x-permitted-cross-domain-policies":"none","x-powered-by":"PHP/8.1.18","x-request-id":"<charactersandnumbers>","x-robots-tag":"noindex, nofollow","x-xss-protection":"1; mode=block","cf-cache-status":"DYNAMIC","report-to":"{\"endpoints\":[{\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/a.nel.cloudflare.com\\/report\\/v3?s=<charactersandnumbers>%<charactersandnumbers>%<charactersandnumbers>%<charactersandnumbers>%<charactersandnumbers>%3D\"}],\"group\":\"cf-nel\",\"max_age\":604800}","nel":"{\"success_fraction\":0,\"report_to\":\"cf-nel\",\"max_age\":604800}","strict-transport-security":"max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload","server":"cloudflare","cf-ray":"7c59180229e19b31-FRA","alt-svc":"h3=\":443\"; ma=86400, h3-29=\":443\"; ma=86400"};
at Request.fResponse (/snapshot/server/build/server/Common/sources/utils.js)
at Request.emit (events.js:400:28)
at Request.onRequestResponse (/snapshot/server/build/server/Common/node_modules/request/request.js:1059:10)
at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:400:28)
at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient (_http_client.js:647:27)
at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (_http_common.js:127:17)
at TLSSocket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:515:22)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:400:28)
at addChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:293:12)
at readableAddChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:267:9)
at TLSSocket.Readable.push (internal/streams/readable.js:206:10)
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:188:23)
I know that many people come across (and post) about this error. I have read lots of forum posts but I couldn‘t find a solution that works. This is also my first time setting up TrueNAS, Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE so I don’t really have that much experience in this topic.