OnlyOffice Hyperlink zu heutigem Datum

Guten Tag liebe OnlyOffice Gemeinde!

Ich suche nach einer Möglichkeit (wie bei Excel) über einen Hyperlink in die Zelle oder die Spalte des jeweils heutigen Datums auf einem Arbeitsblatt zu finden. Über das einfügen eines Hyperlinks habe ich es schon versucht, dass mich dieser aber zum jeweilig aktuellen heutigen Datum führt habe ich aber noch nicht herausgefunden. Bei Excel gibt es diese Funktion, und diese wird direkt in die Zelle geschrieben in der man den Hyperlink anklicken möchte.

Ich hoffe es kann mir jemand helfen.

Vielen Dank!

Hello Prxsbrtr_m
Communication language on this forum is English. Please post your request in English.

Hallo Alexandre, vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Ist es dann sinnvoll das Thema woanders einzustellen? Ist “Arbeitsbereich” die falsche Unterkategorie?

Hello Prxsbrtr_m.

Please take a look at =TODAY() function: TODAY Function - ONLYOFFICE

If I misunderstood your request, please provide us with detail (please provide us in English).

Hello Alexandre, thank you for your answer. My english is not that propper. But I’ll try to explain what I like to know. The today function you wrote works but its not what I like to do with onlyoffice.

In excel there is a function that sends the user to the cell with the date of “today” in the sheet. The code I type in the cell would be: =HYPERLINK("#" &ADRESSE(2;VERGLEICH(HEUTE();2:2;0));HEUTE())
If you tap on that hyperlink in that cell excel searches the date of the actual day and sends the coursor to the that cell if the date is available on the sheet.

best regards, p.

Hello @Prxsbrtr_m
Is that what you are looking for? HYPERLINLK Function - ONLYOFFICE
Sorry if I misunderstood your request. If possible, please provide us with Excel file where your mentioned function works with descriptions.

This is exactly what i need. In Excel the Hyperlink is working perfectly.
Did you find a Solution for this?

Habe genau das gleiche Problem.
Hast du eine Lösung dafür gefunden?

Schöne Grüße/Best Regards

Hello @Martina
Please provide us with details of your situation. Have you checked mentioned link? HYPERLINLK Function - ONLYOFFICE
Please let us know what difficulties you faced.

Hi there,
I have encountered a somewhat similar problem. The Hyperlink-Funktion works, but it always refers to an external Document. In Excel, i created a dynamic Hyperlink to link to a row with the current Date in the Dataset. The code is the following:

HYPERLINK("#A"&VERGLEICH(HEUTE();$C:$C)+10;“Navigation → Jump to current Date”)

This provides the forumula “hyperlink” with the current Date +10 Days and creats the corresponding Hyperlink. In MS Excel it works fine, as it is an internal Link and jumps to the corresponding row.
In Onlyoffice (running in an Nextcloud Environment) once clicked, it opens a windows saying the link might be dangerous and then when clicked “yes” opens a new Tab in the Browser with a Nonsense Link.

Anyone an Idea? I need an internal Link in an OnlyOffice Sheet with dynamic calculations…

Thx in Advance - and happy new Year!

Hello @sxhor
Do I understand it right that hyperlink contains path to other file on your Nextcloud portal?
If so, is it possible to provide us with mentioned files? We will try to check out the situation.

Hi @Alexandre
no, thats the problem. The Hyperlink does not contain an external Path, it is on the same Spreadsheet. The rows represent the Dates, and i want to jump to “Today” on the same Spredsheet instead of Scrolling to the current Date.

I attached a file as an example. The Problem is, that onlyoffice treats the Hyperlink like an external link, while MS Excel does not.
Here is the File:
PW: sbPnzKaynr
(xls Uploads are not permitted)


Thank you for the file! I have reproduced the situation. We need some time to take a closer look at it.
I will notify you when we have something to share.

Thanks. I will delete the share to eliminate data security risks.

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Hello @sxhor
We have checked provided file and we added a bug to internal tracksystem (internal number - 60440). We have started working on it.
Thank you for valuable data!