Onlyoffice Document Server. Error loading document

When I open file sometimes getting such error:

In console has following two errors:

7.4.0-163/sdkjs/common/SmartArts/SmartArts.bin net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200

7.4.0-163/sdkjs/common/libfont/engine/fonts.wasm net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR 200

In Logs of Document Server has following records:

Could you help please, to find more proper solution ?

Document Server version: Developer edition 7.4
Intallisation type: dep/rpm
OS: Linux
Browser version: Google Chrome 114

Hello @shukrullo

Please specify the guide that you’ve followed to install Document Server and if your Document Server is integrated with any storage, e.g. Nextcloud, ownCloud, etc.
Also, all images are low-res, it’s impossible to see anything on those. Can you share an archive with images and all logs of Document Server for analysis?

  1. I followed through this instruction
  2. No we don’t use any external storage servers.
  3. All images and log given following document:
    onlyoffice_error_images.docx (169.8 KB)

(correction) *Document Server version: Enterprise edition 7.4

Can you provide all logs as an archive after reproducing the issue? You can upload them to any cloud storage and share an external link. In these logs I wasn’t able to identify anything that can be related to this error.
Additionally, how often does it reproduce? According to you, it happens sometimes, but is there any particular pattern or maybe it happens to a specific file?