I read some topics about some parts of my question, mut I didn’t really find my answer. So I ask it !
I use a server with Traeffik to manage proxy, reverse and SSL (via let’s encrypt).
I have a docker with Netxcloud, mariadb, nginx working great.
Now I want to install an OnlyOffice Docs server to manage creation and modification of docs and sheets.
So I found a github dir with a Docker install process. I downloaded it. And this docker use a onnlyoffice container (it seems normal), a nginx container and a nextcloud container.
I didn’t really know if this docker install is only for OnlyOffice Docs server or Onlyoffice docs server and Netxcloud. Because I don’t want to modify my Nextcloud configuration and some post said that it’s better to use a separate container for OnlyOffice Docs server.
I would install in a docker only an OnlyOffice Docs server. Is it the good way?
Document Server version: not yet installed
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker, deb/rpm, exe)
OS: not yet
Server Debian 11 - Docker - Traeffik 1.7 - Nextcloud 24.0