ONLYOFFICE Docs DocsAPI undefined. Humhub

When i connect to the onlyoffice server the result says its connected sucessfully and
ONLYOFFICE Docs DocsAPI undefined.

onlyoffice version docker
humhub version 1.16.1
connector version 3.1.0

when i try do edit a docx the windows stays blanc

Hello @Abjo

Please go to ONLYOFFICE Docs module configuration, press Submit button and make a screenshot of the page if any error is prompted. Additionally, please specify installation type of Document Server (Docker, DEB/RPM packages, EXE/MSI) and if any changes to Document Server configs were applied earlier.

Hi Constantine,

thanks for your reply. where i can find the module configuration, i didn’t changed anything.
the install type is via Docker.

Please see the documentation:

Hello @Abjo
If you don’t mind, I will join this thread as well.
Please check mutual availability between HumHub and Document server with wget\curl commands. For example, go to HumHub server and run wget (the address from the screenshot). And vice versa, from the Document server run wget http://HumHub_ip_address
After that, please reproduce the situation one more time (click Submit button) and collect Document server logs. For docker, it’s located here: /app/onlyoffice/DocumentServer/logs/documentserver/

Hello Alexandre,

thank you for your help.

with wget i can get the index.html of both server.

the nginx.error.log-20240726 and out.log-20240726 has the following inside

Hello @Abjo
Sorry for the late reply.
Is it possible to reproduce the issue and provide us with entire Document server logs folder? We would like to take a look at ‘converter’ folder as well.

no issue, here we go

Thank you, we are checking the situation.

Hello again @Abjo

Please check if editing works in integrated test example of Document Server. For that please open Document Server in browser via its address and follow instruction on Welcome Page to enable test example in the first place. Once enabled, please try creating/uploading a document to see if editing works.

Additionally, please provide output of docker ps command executed from machine with Document Server.

Do I understand correctly that both HumHub and Document Server are installed on the same machine without SSL certificates and accessed via local IP addresses? If so, please run few tests:

  1. Try removing address of Document Server in connector settings from field for internal requests - will it change the situation?
  2. Try using IP address of the container with document server instead of local one in connector settings.

To get the IP address of the container you can use following command:

docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge.IPAddress }}' <container_ID>

Where <container_ID> is the ID of container with Document Server. docker ps will enlist all running containers, you can find ID in its output.

Hi Constantine

i can use the test example without any problems, it works fine.


no humhub and ood are installed on different machines and only humhub is using ssl certificates at the moment.

removing the ip adress from the internal request doesn’t help at all

using the ip adress of the container ends up in the following error :
"Fehler beim Anschließen (Unrecognized format ‘’)

ONLYOFFICE Docs DocsAPI undefined."

From that I assume that both machines are in the same local network, is that correct?
If they are not, then using public IP address of the machine with Document Server is the correct way.

However, keep in mind that you cannot run unsecured Document Server inside secured app, HumHub that is. Before that you need to switch Document Server to HTTPS too, otherwise Mixed-Content will be triggered.

Yes both machines are in the same local area network.

ok thanks for the advise.

Did you try using public IP of the machine with Document Server to connect it? Also, is your HumHub available via HTTPS publicly, i.e. within Internet and not only local network?

the Document Server is not puplic only the Humhub Server is public.

In this case please try using public IP of the machine with Document Server to connect it to HumHub instead a local one. Don’t forget about the note about SSL difference I’ve posted earlier.