It’s evident I’m sure from my post that I’m struggling to learn about my OnlyOffice installation. In this post I want to ask a question that puzzled me:
Isn’t there an issue based on docker running containers for onlyoffice db servers that both use the same port mapping?
$ docker ps
101ba1fedd72 mysql:5.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 7 months ago Up About a minute 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp onlyoffice-mysql-server
4003d812c8d5 mysql:5.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 7 months ago Up 41 minutes 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp onlyoffice-community-server-db
OnlyOffice version
Ubuntu 18.04
Hello @timbopoise
I’m a little bit confused. Why do you have 2 MySQL containers? Please point me to the guide which you used for Workspace installation.
If I misunderstood the situation, please clarify it.
One more thing. Community server version v.12 is outdated. You have to update your installation, but prepare whole server backup\snapshot first.
I’m a little bit confused. Why do you have 2 MySQL containers?
Which is why I raised the question.
Please point me to the guide which you used for Workspace installation. If I misunderstood the situation, please clarify it.
As explained earlier, my IT person, who was a good person and very skilled engineer, installed OnlyOffice and many other collaboration tools I’m using. He has left due to health issues and I’m trying to pickup the pieces, so to speak.
Only office is working fine except that I’m unable to add any new users–I get that missing (database) table error that I reported previously and the user never gets verified.
To add to the confusion, I found another instance of OnlyOffice running on another server in docker. There was no route to it so it wasn’t used. I’ve since stopped those containers.
Looking at the trailing name in the “docker ps” output for both those mysql containers, can you tell if the naming conventions matches different versions of OnlyOffice? Maybe it was from a previous version that got upgraded but never removed?
One more thing. Community server version v.12 is outdated. You have to update your installation, but prepare whole server backup\snapshot first.
I agree but as we have discussed before when I go to Control Panel it goes to a blank page. I’ve reported that I think the onlyoffice control panel docker container may be “disconnected” somehow and not reachable, because the “/controlpanel” route does not seem to be working.
Are there CLI scripts I can run that will do the backup?
How can I find out were ALL OnlyOffice data is stored so that if I reinstall I can connect it back?
Thanks for helping me.
I decided to try an experiment: stop all onlyoffice containers on main server and then restart the onlyoffice containers on other server that were “disconnected”. And then reconfigure NGINX routing to have my onlyoffice url to route to the other server.
Here is what I found out:
- It’s running Version
- It only has one sql database running
- still can’t get to control panel–gots to blank page
- only user setup was my IT person and I changed passwd by accessing his old email
- no project documents so not connected into other onlyofice’s data
In the end no real help to do this. I will shutdown these containers on the other server and restart on main server.
Hello @timbopoise
Sorry for the late reply.
So, now you have administration (portal owner) access to the Workspace, am I right?
I believe we have to start with update process. It’s better to troubleshoot the issue on the latest versions (also we’ll check out if the issue with new users reproduces on the latest versions).
Please follow my steps:
- Please prepare whole server backup\snapshot. If something goes wrong during update process, you will be able to rollback to current state.
- As far as I understand, your server uses docker installation. There’s a way to update it from host, please check it out: Installing server version with additional script parameters - ONLYOFFICE
You have to download installation script with wget command and run it: bash -u true -ims false
(as I see, you don’t have Mail server, -ims false
flag is related to this point)
This way you will update your installation. When update process is finished, please re-check the situations with new users adding scenario and Control Panel. If the issues persist, please provide us with Community server and Control Panel logs folder. They’re located here:
Also please provide us with fresh screenshots of issues.
As for two databases, I believe we can figure out which container is used by the portal. I’ll send you a guide in a few minutes via PM.
No. as I indicted in my post…
thx for your continued interet in helping me.
I sent you a message via PM a few hours ago, please check your PM.