ONLYOFFICE Doc Server Through LoadMaster and CloudFlare

Hey folks, I’m running LoadMaster in an ESXI VM on an older x series IBM server, and ONLYOFFICE + Nextcloud in separate docker containers on unRAID (by extension slackware) on an older HP Dl 380p series G8 server. I’m currently trying to get the Nextcloud ONLYOFFICE integration to work which requires HTTPS signage (which I have working with other services like nextcloud and plex producing full CloudFlare CA signed certs) but the site always returns a 520 error when I try to apply it to the ONLYOFFICE config in Nextcloud.

I am extremely grateful for any help you can provide as I have lost a lot of hair trying to get this to work.

note: crossposting from the loadmaster forums because these seem far more active

Hello @scoutg
Please go to ONLYOFFICE connector app > click Save button and make screenshot of an error. After that please provide us with whole Document server logs folder. It’s located here:
Also let us know versions of your Document server, Nextcloud, ONLYOFFICE connector app.

Hey @Alexandre
Thanks for responding, the versions are as follows:
OnlyOfficeDocumentServer by Siwat2545 Container Version: 7.0
nextcloud by linuxserver Nextcloud Hub II Version: 23.0.0
ONLYOFFICE Connector Version: 7.3
And the screenshot you requested:

And the log files: documentserver

No errors are detected in the provided logs. But it looks like you used non official repository for the installation (‘Siwat2545’). We didn’t test it, so I cannot provide you with any guarantee of stable work.

Our official repository for open-source version: Docker Hub

Guide: Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs for Docker on a local server - ONLYOFFICE

Also, may be these links will be useful. Nextcloud+DS:
