Onlyoffice Doc - Copy-Paste not preserve the original structure

The onlyoffice document editor is not preserve the original section number.

For example, the editor shows the section title as 1. PROTOCOL SUMMARY from the actual section title 5. PROTOCOL SUMMARY

Hello @lovefrompal,
Please provide more info:

  1. Document Server version that you are using
  2. Type of installation (deb/rpm, Docker, Windows Server)
  3. Video showing reproduction steps

@onlyoffice/document-editor-react”: “^1.5.1”,

What you provided is not Document Server version.
What is your type of Document Server installation?
We’d yet need more info.
Also, is the problem that the font coloring setting for the text is not preserved when copying?

Doc. server version - 8.1.3

Type of installation - docker

Issue - Section number is getting auto format (It s not keeping original number and making it as 1)

@lovefrompal Please update to the new 8.3 version first and check there