OnlyOffice community - 502 error bad gateway

OS is fine, I can see that there issues with connection to RabbitMQ:

[2024-04-02T07:30:51.614] [ERROR] [localhost] [docId] [userId] nodeJS - [AMQP] Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1187:16)

Endless loading when opening a document is related to this issue too.

Do you have any other applications on the server that may occupy necessary ports? How much RAM your server has?


There have’n another application on the server except OnlyOffice and necessery applications (screenshot). This server is used to work OnlyOffice application only.

Processor : ntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz 2.67 GHz
RAM : 7,99 GB

Increase RAM to 16G but it didn’t help

Thanks. I’ve noticed that your Document Server is running on non-default port. Since there are no other apps on the machine, may I ask to to try installing Document Server on default port 80 for the test purposes?

OK. I’ll install Document Server on 80 port.

I install OnlyOffice on 80 port but nothing change . Logs are attachment ( you must change .odt. to .zip)

Log.odt (4.1 KB)

Logs are clean. What is the current behavior? Is it loading endlessly still?

Please do a test and try accessing your instance of Document Server via IP of machine where it is installed instead of localhost.

Yes. It’is the same behavior. Loading endlessly.
I reinstalled OS . I’ll install all necessary application and i’ll try again run OnlyOffice.


I installed OS and OnlyOffice Document Server again. This is clean OS. Without IIS . Firewall is off. OS restart many times. Unfortunatlly nothing change.
Loading endlessly. I attach Log archive (you have to change odt extension to 7z extension . The forum does not allow attaching zip ,tar, 7z files).

Log.odt (1.1 KB)
1.pdf (699.1 KB)

Logs are once again empty which is strange. To get more info please do the following:

  1. Open a document from integrated test example for editing;
  2. Once new tab with loading document is opened press F12 to open DevTools;
  3. Open Network tab and reload the page;
  4. See which resource is not loading and share a screenshot with information about it.

I attached screenshots

I think some details are missing from DevTools console. Try the following:

  1. Open a document for editing via integrated test example;
  2. Wait for the page to load;
  3. Open DevTools (F12);
  4. Reload the page with opened browser console.

After that provide a fresh screenshot with errors.

Below are attachents

Sorry, I forgot to mention to also provide screenshots of Console tab too.

Thank you. Please also try the following to see if the situation changes:

  • accessing Document Server via any other browser;
  • accessing Document Server via Incognito mode of the current browser;
  • accessing Document Server via public address of Document Server.

Also, confirm the summary of the current situation:

  • in editors interface documents are loading endlessly;
  • issue reproduces with all files (newly created, uploaded);
  • all required ports are opened according to the documentation;
  • RabbitMQ no longer blocks connections;
  • no proxy used.

I check Document Server in Edge , Chrome and Firefox in incognito mode for public and locale address.

Editor is loading endlessly for new created and uploaded files. All ports are opened , but RabbitMQ blocks connection . I don’t now why ar blocked and i don’t know how to unblock connections .Firewall is turn off , OS is empty .Are installed OnlyOffice and necessary applications to Only Office work correctly.

I don’t use proxy.


It’s work correctly in default and custom port. My friend unblock RabbitMq connections by changed {rabbit, [{disk_free_limit, [500000000]}]} parameter from 0 to 50000000.

Thanks for help.

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I’m glad to know that it works now, good job!

May I ask you to provide more details on how did you unblock connections to RabbitMQ? I’d be useful for others who experience same issue.

To unblock ports he changed parameter from
{rabbit, [{disk_free_limit, [0]}]}


{rabbit, [{disk_free_limit, [500000000]}]}

in C:\Users[user]\AppData\Roaming\RabbitMQ\advanced.config file.

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