ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached snapd

hi @ all
so i have this problem
i installed onlyoffice via snapd from here

all is good but me as an admin i can edit files etc but when i log is as a user i get the error cannot be i did everything that is mentioned token, jwt-enabled,secret , jwt-header
but i cant make it work.does anyone has a clue? also because of snapd i cant really find exacly the onlyoffice files are, for example json i cant find it…

Hello @mrperk

but when i log is as a user i get the error cannot be reached

Please clarify the situation. What do you mean by ‘log is as a user’? Did you integrated Document server with third-perty storage (such as Nextcloud, Seafile, etc.)?
Please reproduce the issue and make screenshots\record a videofile. Also please provide us with whole Document server logs folder. It’s located here: /var/snap/onlyoffice-ds/112/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver#

hello alexandre btw this is a greek name :slight_smile:

good day alexandre btw that is a famous greek name !
so i have 1 server with ubuntu 20.4 server installed the nextcloud and 1 more server ubuntu 20.4 server installed onlyoffice via snapd from here Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs for Linux from snap package - ONLYOFFICE

i have made the onlyoffice https from the commands given i have installed the connector for newcloud of onlyoffice i have input the correct data for the connection and i can create edit files etc as root.

Now my problem is this then i log out from root and use an other user to connect eg beta from the same browser (firefox) i can edit create files etc, but when i use it from an other browser i get the error ONLYOFFICE cannot be reached. Please contact admin

Now 1 more test from an other browser eg chrome i ender nextcloud with user beta and i get always the same error meaning the above.I create a new user and i get the same problem again.

i have to mention that al the setup is inside an intranet(my lan network)
now photo ex1 is me as root opening a file

now ex2 is me an user beta on the same browser firefox opening a new file

ex3 is the beta user in chrome trying to open a file

does it make sense at all to you? also which exacly logs you need from /var/snap/onlyoffice-ds/112/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver cause there are corverter ,docservice,gc,metric,nginx,error.log

Hello @mrperk
I’ve seen your PM, I will contact you there.

thanks and sry for the private pm.

thanks again