(function (window, undefined) {
window.Asc.plugin.init = function (text) {
window.Asc.plugin.event_onClick = function event_onClick(options) {
console.log(options)//not working
window.Asc.plugin.event_onContextMenuShow = function event_onContextMenuShow(options) {
window.Asc.plugin.event_onDocumentContentReady = function event_onDocumentContentReady(options) {
})(window, undefined)
Hello @langziyang
Please do not post the same request in different communication channels. As far as I understand, you have been provided with a sample with possible way to achieve the desired scenario in the Discord channel.
Let’s focus on the situation itself here. Do I understand it right that you are using your self-written plugin in this scenario? I mean that you are not using the connector class to call the methods.
Thank you, we are checking the situation. We will contact you as soon as possible.
Hello @langziyang
We have found a bug in the described scenario and we have started working on it. Thank you for the valuable data! We will update this thread once we have something to share.
Additionally, please pay attention that event registration is required in this case:Manifest