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I have a sample .pptx file where I want to write a macro that’ll search a paragraph for a specific word and then highlight the hits. However, when I retrieve the paragraphs from a Slide and call the Search method, I get an exception that’s coming from sdk-all.js itself.
This seems like a bug, since it’s coming from the sdk itself. Moreover, if I create a copy by calling the Copy method on the paragraph and try to search the copy instead, I don’t get the exception. However, the copy still doesn’t return search results, even if I pass a string that’s present in said paragraph.
Steps to reproduce:
Open the following file samplepptx.pptx in onlyoffice’s presentation editor. Link to file: samplepptx
Go to the plugins menu, and then click on macro
Open dev tools from your browser (on chrome and firefox, hit F12) and go to console
In the macro window, paste the following script and click on run. You should get some exceptions as mentioned.
var oPresentation = Api.GetPresentation();
for(let i = 0; i < oPresentation.GetSlidesCount(); i++){
let slide = oPresentation.GetSlideByIndex(i);
let shapes = slide.GetAllShapes();
shapes.forEach(shape =>{
var shapeContent = shape.GetContent();
for(let j = 0; j < shapeContent.GetElementsCount(); j++){
var element = shapeContent.GetElement(j);
if(element.GetClassType() === 'paragraph'){
var text = element.GetText();
var query = "Cloud";
var hits = element.Search(query);
console.log('hits: ')
console.log('error in this paragraph:')
console.log('searching in copy instead...')
//Search a copy instead
var copy = element.Copy();
var hitsInCopy = copy.Search(query)