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In Only Office could i edit odt files (Libre office) without convertion to docx file?
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In Only Office could i edit odt files (Libre office) without convertion to docx file?
Currently the editing of odt format is supported only after conversion to ooxml docx format (Supported Formats of Electronic Documents - ONLYOFFICE)
Is there any plan to support the open standard for documents in OnlyOffice ?
We all use LibreOffice here (at home, at work, friends, family, etc) and when we need to edit documents on Nextcloud we need to convert them to docx, then back to odt and this creates a lot of styling issues.
We started using OnlyOffice a couple of weeks ago because we prefer client-side to server-side editing, but this is a strange limitation of OnlyOffice.
Sorry for the late response,
Unfortunately, currently there are no plans for the open standard formats support, all the supported formats are listed on the page from the above-provided link