Odoo connector additional modules

Hello All,

We are very happy with your work, and also use the Odoo connector modules.
We are official Odoo partner and developed some additional Odoo modules for the connector.

We think this could be useful for other Odoo users. With these modules you can add templates of documents and use them for Partners, Sales (orders and leads/prospects and also Project (Projects and Tasks).

We would like to share them for the community and are Just wondering what the best option is for sharing these additional modules?

We would be happy to add them to the repository below.

Just let me know and will share. if anyone is interested right now, I will share the modules with you. Because we do not use Github internally, we host them on a private server for now…

Thank you!

Hello, @thomaspot

You can submit a pull request on GitHub with the code changes: https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/onlyoffice_odoo/

We will definitely take a look!
Thank you for contributing to our product!

We would appreciate it if you could provide a detailed description of your PR

Ok. Thanks! Will do sometime this week.

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