I mean it’s bizarre how edited by moderator is your jwt token documentation and handling. If I got incorrect token there’s no way to see what’s missing or how is it different than expected. Don’t remember last time I had to register to some forum to ask question.
The documentation is overcomplicated but it just doesn’t give simple example:
frontend execute example + backend array example.
Please. Just gives an example what goes to jwt token encoding array from frontend config. Example:
docEditor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor(“iframeEditor”, {
token: “{{ jwt }}”,
document: {
title: ‘Template.docx’,
url: ‘http://test/1’,
fileType: ‘docx’,
key: ‘123’,
permissions: {
download: true,
edit: true, }, }, });
What exactly goes into jwt array?
That’s my payload array in php:
$payload = [
"title" => 'Template.docx',
"url" => 'http://test/1',
"key" => '123',
"fileType" => 'docx',
"permissions" => [
"edit" => true,
"download" => true
So the same as in frontend but obviously I’ve got incorrect token error