Numbered list formatting issues

I have been struggling to get lists to render correctly when generating an .oform file from a .docxf in Docs. Though the spacing is as desired in the .docxf file (with a tab indent between the number and the text), the .oform always saves with the first line indented by only a space. Any insight into how to rectify this would be greatly appreciated!

I posted on the onlyoffice subreddit too -

Hi @No_Season_5288 :handshake:

Can I ask you to attach 2 files to your response?
(oform + docxf )

Certainly, no problem at all! Attached are both file types.

Ah correction - here are LINKS, as new forum users cannot upload files to posts:

Live Performance Contract (2).docfx

Live Performance Contract (2).oform


I think this is the same bug - Bullet list indentation bug

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Hi guys! :handshake:


Yes, you are correct! This issue will be resolved in the upcoming version 8.0. ( I won’t be able to specify exact dates, but approximately - January to February)

Thank you for files :upside_down_face:

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Hi Nikolas and Alfozavr,

My pleasure to share the files and work with y’all to get to the bottom of this! As Alfozavr has also noted, I am realizing that I am experiencing this issue in regular .docx files as well (though it is not as consistently reproducible).

That said, I have also encountered additional buggy behavior when saving .oforms to pdf - can I post about those here or would it be better to start another thread?

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Certainly, it would be more convenient if you create a new topic.

Thank you :handshake:

Will do! Going to reach out to you now directly.

posted here:

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