Notify LDAP Users via mail for shared document

Community Server/Control Panel version: 12.1.1194
Type of installation of Workspace (docker, deb/rpm, exe): exe
OS: Windows Server 2016
Browser version: Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)

Hello, after syncing LDAP Users, all portal users get notified on OnlyOffice Talk whenever someone shares a document to them instead of regular email. Is there any provision to notify me via mail itself whenever a portal user shares a document with me?

Hello @OnlyOfficeTester
As far as I understand, notifications via Talk is expected behavior:
Access to a document/ folder granted
You’ll receive this notification, if the document or folder owner granted you some access rights to this file or folder.

But you can disable browser notifications in the Talk settings:

As for notification via email. Do I understand it right that it has stopped? Please go to your Windows Server > Windows Services > try to restart ONLYOOFICE Notify service and double-check the situation.

OnlyOffice Notify service is always on, since I manually start all the services everyday from the same place and the emails not being received still… Do you have any other suggestions?

since I manually start all the services everyday from the same place

Please clarify what you mean by ‘start services everyday’. If it’s possible, please reproduce the issue (share a file) and provide us with whole Community server logs folder. It’s located here: \Program Files (x86)\Ascensio System SIA\CommunityServer\Logs
By the way, are there any other issues with Notify service?

Services for onlyoffice start one by one when computer starts. So I go to Server Manager > Local Server > Services. Select all services ( this mostly includes onlyoffice services ) and right click > start services which starts all the services and put them to running state manually.

I did this as well. No difference.

Reproducing is not possible as I think since there is no abnormalities in application… It is installed on a private organization network, using an installer file and synced with LDAP users. Everything works fine except the fact that users don’t receive email notification for file access grants

By Log files if you mean web.log then it is empty… I will check other log files and respond as soon as possible

What kind of issues? Can you elaborate?

And thank you very much for giving so much of your time for my multiple queries on the forum… I really appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m trying to figure out if described situation is related to notifications of shared files or something else too. You might as well run a test: use local account > click ‘forgot your password?’ on the Workspace authorization page. This feature uses Notify service too. Will you get a letter to change password?

By Log files if you mean web.log then it is empty… I will check other log files and respond as soon as possible

If it’s possible, we would like to take a look at entire logs folder. You can place it to any external storage and provide us with download link. If you don’t want to share it publicly, you can contact me via PM directly.

Issue resolved… I had to reset and add the SMTP details again in the settings

We’re glad that the issue is solved. Fell free to contact us if you face any issues.