Notifications EMAIL

The app has stopped sending email notifications when a room change occurs.
Everything is already enabled.

Configure an Smtp server, I received test email, but the platform does not send email when a change occurs in the room.


Hello @rodrigofelipe

Currently we are investigating few similar cases. I will provide an update as soon as we get any results.

Hello again @rodrigofelipe

Please check the situation again. I was informed that the issue should be fixed by now.
I am looking forward to your feedback.

The email notification service has stopped, could you check?

Hi @rodrigofelipe :wave:
Is the issue still relevant?

@Nikolas is relevant. I need this service to notify my customers.

There haven’t been any issues with the AWS SES (Simple Email Service) during this period.
We use AWS SES for sending out notifications, and it has been functioning smoothly without any disruptions.