nodeJS - error downloadFile:url: ECONNRESET;connect:undefined Error: socket hang up

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Document Server version: 7.4`.0
Type of installation of the Document Server (docker, deb/rpm, exe) : docker
OS: ubuntu 20.04
Browser version: Chrome 114

Hi All,

I’m facing a problem when I open office files, they won’t open and in the logs there is an error like this:

[2023-06-15T04:04:19.055] [ERROR] [localhost] [2009151713] [oc2b7q544dso_dekadrive_admin] nodeJS - error downloadFile:url=;attempt=1;code:ECONNRESET;connect:undefined Error: socket hang up
at connResetException (internal/errors.js:639:14)
at TLSSocket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:499:23)
at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:412:35)
at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1333:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:82:21)

how to solve the problem?

Hello @ilyasjaelani

Please provide us with the guide that you’ve used to install Document Server.
Additionally, please provide information about the storage Document Server is integrated with.

Also, check if the same issue reproduces with built-in test example. For it, please navigate to the Document Server address to find a Welcome page and follow the instruction to enable it in the first place.

Hi @Constantine,

I used this guide :

Running ONLYOFFICE Docs using Docker Compose - ONLYOFFICE

Document Server is integrated with ownCloud and uses s3 Bucket as primary storage.

if I try with the built-in test example, it doesn’t show the same issue.

Please specify versions of ownCloud, the connector app and also specify how exactly your S3 storage is connected to the ownCloud.

We using ownCloud 10.12.1 (stable), the connector app using files_primary_s3 for S3 storage and onlyoffice

Does it happen with all kind of files?
Also, is there any error in the user interface when reproducing this issue?


sorry just had time to respond again.

yes error in all kinds of files

here is the error in the user interface


Please provide all logs of Document Server for analysis. You can upload them as an archive to any cloud storage and share an external link to it.

Did you follow any guide to connect S3 to your ownCloud instance? Mind you sharing a link for the reference since I don’t quite understand how it is connected?

Also, you didn’t mention the version of the connector app.

i use this article for S3 Primary,

and please find attached file for only office log.
Only Office Log.docx (12.6 KB)

It’s been a while since you last reply. I’d like to ask you to provide fresh information on used components:

  • version of ownCloud;
  • version of the connector app;
  • version of Document Server.

Basically, if there is newer version of the connector app or Document Server available for you, please update it right away and check the situation agin.