If on macOS 15.1.1 in Onlyoffice 8.2.2 you want to enter a no-break-space by ALT+SPACE oder by ALT+SHIFT+SPACE not only a no-break-space ist inserted but a normal space followed additionally by a no-break-space is inserted. Is it a bug or is it a feature?
Hello @facebita
According to the official documentation on the shortcuts for document editor:
Create nonbreaking space: ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+␣ Spacebar, ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+␣ Spacebar.
There is only one combination for insertion of nonbreaking space. Can you please elaborate on the exact scenario that is used? If possible, please record the behavior with enabled non-printing characters for better visual understanding of the problem.
Thanks. Both combinations work. But, they are not really easy to handle. It would be much more conveniently if the nonbreaking space would be simply the alternative to normal space. So it should be made by ALT+SPACEBAR.
The platform was macOS, do you mean Option key instead of Alt?